Tuesday, June 21, 2005

You Guys

It’s good to know that if I gained 30 lbs, it would make no difference to the way ‘you guys’ feel about me.

It’s good to know that when times are bad, I will always have’ you guys’ to cry to/with.

It’s good to know that I can laugh like a hyena, snort like a pig, act goofy, walk funny and be as loud as I want with ‘you guys’ because this is why you love me.

It’s good to know that I will never feel alone in this world as long as ‘you guys‘ are around.

It’s good to know that what we share is special and unique and that we are very blessed to have each other.

It’s good to know that the years passed have made us strong and the years ahead will only make us stronger.

It’s good to know that I actually have 8 sisters instead of 3.

It’s good to know that I always have ‘you guys’ to kick back and enjoy beers with and just bitch about the world around us.

It’s good to know that we still enjoy each other’s company even though sometimes we may see too much of each other.

Just a little something for my girlfriends to remind us to never take our friendship for granted and to let them know that I love ‘you guys’ so damn much.


rol said...

awwwww..........! i feel the same way! *sniff* (really!!)

driftingnomad said...

hey pu-ster.. *sob sob* I feel the same way.. although for me its more of zero sisters .. to five sisters :)

Fridaycat said...

i know a bit delayed but...
I'm feelin' u sista. muah.

LonaDay said...

wah... so touching.

thanks, pu!