Wednesday, September 17, 2008

And so begins my new addiction....

I was bored and a lil' down yesterday, so I visited my fave online CD stores. And well nothing really appealed to me. The funky designs created very little excitement. Plus Elil has more than enough CD's to last her a while now. So I went a-bloghopping instead. And while visiting my usual spots, again my eyes were drawn to the Bento posts. Aha! And so I clicked on all the Bento labels and examined each bento tool and its end-product. Slowly I sensed some pleasure rising inside me. Hmmm....could this be my new addiction? The new temporary high when clicking BUY and the rush to the mail room to collect my package? Oh yes I think so! And so it began.

First, I called up mummy.

Me: "Mummy, could you get me some stuff ka?"
Mummy: "Sure. What you want?"
Me" 'Can you go to Japanese Home Store in Asia City, some shop on the 1st floor Karamunsing and Daiso in 1Borneo and check out some Bento stuff for me?"
Mummy: "What is Bento?"
And so I go on to know how the Japanese have this strange fascination with turning their food into pieces of art?....

Half an hour later mummy calls.

Mummy: "Ok I'm here in Asia City but have no idea what I'm looking for."
Me: "Look for the egg mould that you and Ots got for me the other day and stuff around it like cookie/sandwich/vege cutters, or rice/jelly/chocolate moulds. Or silicon cups and food separators. Sauce containers? Fruit or dessert picks?"
Mummy: " Hah! Teda oh! Ok, I cari Karamunsing now.

Another half hour later.

Mummy: "Puei, teda oh your bento-bento thing sini!"
Me: "Hah! Immmpossible! All the bento mamas in KK cakap ada tu in those shops!
Mummy: "None oh. Tomorrow I try 1Borneo ok. I penat redi dis."
Me: "Ok mummy. Np. Thanks."

Did you guys know that the only Daiso outlet in Malaysia is in 1Borneo??? So I bloghopped some more and someone mentioned the 100 Yen Store. Did some Google research and voila, the list of 100 Yen Stores in Malaysia. 11 outlets all together. I went to the SS2 branch 2 weeks back. Nada! And then ooh, there's one in Puchong!

A conversation between my colleague N (who's from Puchong btw) and me.

Me: "Hey got nice place to makan lunch in Puchong?"
N: " Go-ot!"
Me: "You wanna go there for lunch today?"
N: "What you want to buy?"
Me: "Ehe, you know me so well." (During my CD addiction,I got him to bring me to lunch in Bangsar so I could collect my CD's from the post office there.)

And so I go on to explain about the 100 Yen Shop. He told me he knows this shop well. All the better! And at lunchtime were on our way with two other colleagues tagging along. Ok so when N told me he knew the place, he actually had another huge red signboard shop in mind (Berry bakery!) and in fact had no clue where my bento-stash shop was! We spend almost an hour searching before thank the Lord we finally find the place.

Alas, to my dismay after walking around each isle, I find nothing. Well there were several cute bento containers but other than that, nothing! All that effort and nothing much to show for it. I ended up getting two real cute 2-level containers. At least I got something.

Today, I will go back to NST and probably, hopefully get some stuff from there. OR if someone is up for lunch in Uptown today....

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