Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Happy 51st Malaysia!

I experienced these two unfortunate incidences during the week leading to Merdeka.

Unfortunate Incident #1: I was having coffee with my friend during office hours. He was talking about a new found way of life - yoga and a new diet (apparently 90% of food type is cut out). He also mentioned a quest to search for his soul. He is under the impression that his soul is somewhere in, let's say...urm..'Yugoslavia'. What an odd idea! I told him his soul is right where it should be, deep within him. I don't think he believed lil' ol' me. So he goes on to say that he wants a change in career, a change of lifestyle, away from the hustle and bustle of KL city life, away from the materialism. For once, I agree with him! He is compelled to travel half way round the world to urm....'Yugoslavia' to teach poor little 'Yugoslavian' kids, suffering illiterates. I nearly spat out my coffee and fell off the freakin chair! "Don't we have poor children here in Malaysia that you could teach?" I ask him. He answers, "Yea, but they're all....let's say....urm 'Hispanic'!". If my eyes could pop out, I'm sure they would have. I roll my eyes in disgust instead. I shake my head and tell him, "No no, this is where you have it wrong. You want to help kids, you help em. Theyr'e kids for goodness sakes. Children! Who cares about their race! Children don't differentiate race until we (idiot) adults point it out to them!" He goes on to say, "Yea but they have 'Hispanic' parents!". I could not believe my ears! This isn't coming from some old uneducated fogie who is still living in the 60's. This friend of mine is in his early 30's and is supposed to be educated! I hate using that term 'educated' it's so BS. Note: I have changed certain country names and races to avoid creating racial hate among us Malaysians and in fear of being thrown into prison for having an opinion.

Unfortunate Incident #2:
Let's say I heard this from a friend who heard it from a friend. Well my friend, was telling me about something that happend to her friend X and X's friend Y. X and Y work together. They have a superior called Mr. Z. X and Y are not Malaysian nationals. They are from...let's say....urm 'Croatia'. Mr. Z is Malaysian. In delegating work to X and Y, Mr. Z gives them a word of advice, "You know its important to always maintain cleanliness. Especially you 'Croatians'. Your people always contract a lot of diseases because you are dirty. You bring diseases like Bird Flu and Typhoid." My jaw dropped. I tell you ah. I so so tak puas hati oh hearing crap like this. How do you say something like that to someone? No one deserves to hear stuff like that being said about their own people. I was told that X was brought to tears by this comment. It's just horrible and degrading and insulting and hurtful and uneccessary.

So here's to you Malaysia. We have a long long way to go....

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