Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Good read for mother's with toddlers and those who care for toddlers....

If you feel like the word you say most often is "no," consider ways you can make your house, or at least parts of your house and yard, utterly safe for his investigations. Lock gardening tools in the garage or shed, be sure there are no water hazards (i.e. buckets, wading pools, etc.), and put out a few balls that he can chase and try to kick — a big "exercise" ball can be very entertaining. Designate one room or corner of the house as the play area and have it full of pillows and toys. Remove breakable items from coffee tables or shelves that your child can reach. Be sure to pad any sharp corners (better yet, remove coffee and side tables that pose a danger). And let your child try feeding himself, even if it makes a big mess. Remember that play and exploration are how toddlers learn about the world, so it's not that your 14-month-old is being intentionally defiant, simply that he is curious about everything around him and doesn't want anyone to stop him from checking things out.Toddlers are enthralled by water. Water play can be both soothing and exciting, so next time you need a way to distract your toddler — say, while you're cooking — put him in his highchair, fill a plastic bowl with soapy, bubbly water, and give him a sponge or dish-scrubber so he can wash plastic cups and plates. You may want to put a drop cloth or an old shower curtain under the highchair if you're worried about a mess.

I got this from Baby Center.

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